SDR Novice, Letnik III, št. 1

Avgust 2007

  1. Uvod
  2. Dogodki
  3. Zanimivosti
  4. CIE novice


Poletje se počasi končuje in mimogrede bo tukaj september, ki prinaša nove izzive in obveznosti. Z jesenjo pa se skrajšuje tudi dolžina dneva in zato so tudi svetilke vse več časa prižgane. Ste v zadnjem času morda naredili kaj, da bi bila vaša razsvetljava bolj učinkovita in da bi porabili manj električne energije? No, tudi čiščenje oken je pozitiven korak k varčevanju z energijo.

Pa ne pozabite na letošnje posvetovanje, ki bo 11. in 12. oktobra 2007.

Za uredništvo: Matej B. Kobav


Posvetovanje 2007

Letošnje posvetovanje bo 11. in 12. oktobra 2007 v Dolenjskih toplicah. Na posvetovanju bomo čas posvetili trem glavnim temam:

  •  Svetloba in Arhitektura
  •  Novosti v svetlobni tehniki
  •  Problematika zunanje razsvetljave

Pri vsaki temi bomo imeli tudi dve vabljeni predavanji mednarodno priznanih strokovnjakov. Med njimi bodo tudi Lars Bylund (Bergen School of Architecture), Michael Haertl (Siteco GmbH) in Dominique Dumortier (ENTPE Lyon).

Več o posvetovanju

Oglejte si tudi:

  •  Vabilo na posvetovanje
  •  Prijavnico na posvetovanje

Pošljite vabilo svojim prijateljem in sodelavcem. Več kot nas bo na posvetovanju, bolj zanimivo in zabavno bo.

Posvetovanje je tudi dobra priložnost za reklamiranje vašega podjetja. Obrnite se tajnika društva in seznanil vas bo z možnostmi oz. si poglejte našo ponudbo.

Ekskurzija 2007

Tokratna ekskurzija je bila nekoliko drugačna, saj smo se nanjo odpravili  z letalom. Ogledali smo si zunanjo razsvetljavo Bruslja, tovarno najnovejših svetlobnih virov Philipsa v Turnhout. Po izdatnem kosilu smo se odpravili v Eindhoven, kjer smo si ogledali nogometni stadion. V petek dopoldan smo bili povabljeni v Philips Lighting Application Center v Eindhovnu, po kosilu pa smo se odpravili nazaj proti Bruslju, od koder smo poleteli proti Ljubljani.

Sponzor avtobusnega prevoza, ogledov in dveh kosil je bil:

Več o ekskurziji in nekaj fotografij si lahko ogledate TUKAJ.

Sejem EUROLUCE 2007

Odlično reportažo s sejma je pripravila Marjeta Zupančič.



CIE Session 2007

Med 4. in 11. julijem 2007 je bila v Pekingu največja konferenca s področja razsvetljave. Konferenca je na sporedu le na vsake 4 leta, tako da se je obisk vsekakor izplačal. Na konferenci smo svoje raziskovalno delo predstavili tudi člani SDR in to kar s tremi referati.

Če si želite ogledate zbornik referatov, se oglasite pri tajniku.


7th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky

Light Pollution and Global Warming

October 5-6, 2007, Bled, Slovenia

Več na spletni strani

Barvni plakat simpozija:




PLD konferenca

1. Professional l Lighting Design Convention se bo odvijala v Londonu med 24. in 27. oktobrom 2007. Konferenca je namenjena vsem, ki vam svetloba pomeni več kot le suhoparnih 250 lx na delovni površini.

Več o konferenci:



Slovensko društvo za razsvetljavo bo v  oktobru 2008 v okviru posvetovanja Razsvetljava 2008 organiziralo tudi mednarodno posvetovanje BalkanLight 2008 in Letno srečanje CIE odseka 3 (Notranja razsvetljava). Odločitev je bila sprejeta in potrjena v Pekingu na srečanju CIE, ki s(m)o se ga udeležili tudi predstavniki SDR. Posvetovanje Razsvetljava 2008 bo med 7. in 10. oktobrom 2008 v Ljubljani.



Donatorji SDR

V letu 2007 ima SDR naslednje donatorje:

Zlati donator:

  •  Javna Razsvetljava D.D., Ljubljana

 Srebrni donator:

  •  Media Light d.o.o.,

Bronasti donator:


Hvala vsem donatorjem, saj s svojim plemenitim dejanjem omogočajo delovanje društva!


SDR je z 8.6.2007 pod dolgi poti birokracije dobilo odločbo, da je društvu podeljen status društva, ki deluje v javnem interesu na področju raziskovalne dejavnosti


Z veseljem vas obveščamo o spletni strani, ki združuje ogromno informacij o dnevni svetlobi:



vse kar ste želeli povprašati o svetlobi in razsvetljavi, pa si niste upali.

Indukcijske sijalke velikih moči

Podjetje FJJK je predstavilo indukcijsko sijalko moči 400W z obljubljeno življenjsko dobo 100.000 ur ter svetlobnim izkoristkom med 65 in 90 lm/W.




Prejeli smo:

  • ISLE LIGHT Newsletter April 07 - Revija Indijskega združenja za razsvetljavo,
  • zapisnik 4. seje predsedstva Elektrotehniške zveze Slovenije

Vse brošure in revije si lahko ogledate pri tajniku SDR. Brošure, ki so v več izvodih, lahko dobite po pošti.

Circular Letter to CIE National Committees - NCCL0714 (2007-07-31)

Dear Colleagues,

Attached you will find the minutes of the CIE General Assembly Meeting, held on 4 July 2007 in Beijing, China. Also attached are the Annexes 1, 2, 5 and 10. The reports from various BA Officers which should become the other annexes, have not yet been received. However, as I will leave CIE today, I would like to forward to you the minutes as well as the material which is
available already now. As soon as we get the other officers reports, we  will put them on the website so that in September you should be able to download the complete set of documentation from the CIE website at:
Please click on "Documents for download" and then check under "National  Committees"
user: nc
password: dobite pri tajniku


Circular Letter to CIE National Committees - NCCL0713 (2007-07-12)

New CIE Publication: CIE x032:2007 - Proceedings of the CIE Expert Symposium on "Visual Appearance"

Enclosed please find a press release for above CIE publication.


for NC Members:   EUR 73,-
for non-members:   EUR 146,-

Circular Letter to CIE National Committees - NCCL0711 (2007-05-18)

New CIE Publication: CIE 179:2007 "Methods for characterising tristimulus colorimeters for measuring the colour of light"

Enclosed please find a press release for above CIE publication.


for NC Members:   EUR 19,-
for non-members:   EUR 38,-

Circular Letter to CIE National Committees - NCCL0710 (2007-05-18)

Re: CIE NC vote on: CIE Draft Standard DS 014-4.3/E:2007 "Colorimetry - Part 4: CIE 1976 L*a*b* Colour Space"

Dear Colleagues,

On 2006-09-13, CIE Draft Standards DS 014-4.2/E:2006 was sent to NCs for comments. Comments were collected and sent to Vice-President Technical, Vice-President Publications, TC Chair and Division Director, who evaluated the comments received, and changes were made accordingly.

The final CIE draft standard, as well as a summary of the CIE NC comments, can be downloaded in pdf format from the CIE website at Please click on "Documents for download" and then under National Committees on: "Draft Standard DS 014-4.3 Colorimetry - Part 4: CIE 1976 L*a*b* Colour Space", and on: "NC comments and responses to Draft Standards DS 014-4.2"

user: nc
password: dobite pri tajniku

(This password is only for NC use and may not be passed on to others !)

Please note that at this stage, only a yes/no vote should be cast. Deadline for your vote is 2007-08-20.

Circular Letter to CIE National Committees - NCCL0708 (2007-03-19)

New CIE Publication: CIE 127:2007 "Measurement of LEDs" (2nd ed.)

Enclosed please find a press release for above CIE publication.


for NC Members:   EUR 24,-
for non-members:   EUR 48,-

Circular Letter to CIE National Committees - NCCL0706 (2007-03-14)

New CIE Publication: CIE x031:2006 "Proceedings of the 2nd CIE Expert Symposium Lighting and Health"

Enclosed please find a press release for above CIE publication.


for NC Members:   EUR 64,-
for non-members:   EUR 128,-

Circular Letter to CIE National Committees - NCCL0704 (2007-02-05)

New CIE Standard: CIE S 020/E:2007 - Emergency Lighting

Enclosed please find a press release for above CIE publication.


for NC Members:   EUR 14,-
for non-members:   EUR 28,-


Circular Letter to CIE National Committees - NCCL0703 (2007-02-04)

New CIE Publication: CIE 177:2007 - Colour rendering of white LED light sources

Enclosed please find a press release for above CIE publication.


for NC Members:   EUR 19,-
for non-members:   EUR 38,-

Circular Letter to CIE National Committees - NCCL0702 (2007-02-04)

Re: CIE Draft Standard DS 018.2/E:2007 "Standard file format for luminaire photometric data" - sent for NC comments

Dear Colleagues,

The above draft standards has been approved by BA and Division. We have uploaded the draft CIE DS 018.2/E:2007 for comments under the six months rule on the CIE website at

For downloading, please click on "Documents for download" and then under "National Committees" on: "Draft Standard DS 018.2 Standard File Format for Luminaire Photometric Data"

user: nc
password: dobite pri tajniku

Please note that this password is only for NC use and may not be passed on to others!

The deadline for NC comments is 2007-08-05. After collecting and evaluating your comments, an amended version will reach you for voting.

CIE DS are also for sale. Please inform interested parties in your country on the availability of this CIE DS. The list price is EUR 10,- each (valid for NC members). (NCs are free to photocopy the DS for their internal comments-collecting procedure only !)

You can also ask for a "master copy" and print for your local customers yourself. In this case the royalty to be paid to CIE is EUR 5,- after every sold copy. You will be requested to report yearly on your sales and pay the royalties in yearly installments.

Enclosed please find a press release for above CIE publication.

Circular Letter to CIE National Committees NCCL0701 (2007-01-24)

Dear Colleagues,

At the CIE General Assembly Meeting on 2005-05-14 in León, Spain, CIE NCs  elected the Board members for the quadrennium 2007-2011. Unfortunately, due to a change in his professional career, the  Treasurer-Elect, Mr. Peter Gradl, had to withdraw in the meantime from this position. However, the CIE Board of Administration has found another candidate for CIE Treasurer for the period 2007-2011: Mr. Johann Schleritzko. Attached please find his curriculum vitae for your detailed information. The CIE Board of Administration has unanimously approved him as candidate of the Board and would like to submit this nomination to the  CIE National Committees.

Circular Letter to CIE National Committees - NCCL0633 (2006-12-30)

New CIE Standards:
CIE S 014-1/E:2006 "Colorimetry - Part 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observers"
CIE S 014-2/E:2006 "Colorimetry - Part 2: CIE Standard Illuminants"

Enclosed please find a press release for above CIE publication (S014-1).
Enclosed please find a press release for above CIE publication (S014-2).

Price of CIE S 014-1/E:2006:
for NC Members:    EUR 24,-
for non-members:  EUR 48,-

Price of CIE S 014-2/E:2006:
for NC Members:    EUR 19,-
for non-members:  EUR 38,

Circular Letter to CIE National Committees - NCCL0632 (2006-12-28)

New CIE Publication:CIE 176:2006 - Geometric Tolerances for Colour Measurements

Enclosed please find a press release for above CIE publication.

for NC Members:    EUR 22,-
for non-members:  EUR 44,-

Circular Letter to CIE National Committees - NCCL0631 (2006-12-28)

New CIE Publication: CIE 175:2006 - A Framework for the Measurement of Visual Appearance

Enclosed please find a press release for above CIE publication.

for NC Members:    EUR 36,-
for non-members:  EUR 72,-