SDR Novice, Letnik II, št. 3
September 2006
- Uvod
- Dogodki
- Zanimivosti
- CIE novice
Jesen je tukaj in narava se bo kmalu obarvala v čudovite rumene barve. In v času najlepših barv je tudi naše tradicionalno posvetovanje. Letošnje bo še prav posebno, saj praznujemo tudi 50-letnico obstoja SDR. In z nami bo na posvetovanju tudi nekaj ustanovnih članov.
Iz sosednje Hrvaške smo dobilo dobro novico, ki jo z veseljem objavljam v tokratnih novicah.
PS: nove in stare novice najdete tudi na www.sdr.si
Za uredništvo: Matej B. Kobav
Ekskurzija 2006
Je za nami. Vsi smo preživeli in se zelo lepo imeli. Nekaj slikic si lahko ogledate na podstrani aktualno, Ekskurzija 2006
Posvetovanje 2006
Letošnje posvetovanje bo 12. in 13. oktobra 2006. Vodilna tema posvetovanja bo Razsvetljava delovnih mest. V okviru posvetovanje bomo imeli tudi slavnostno akademijo, saj društvo praznuje 50-letnico ustanovitve. Na posvetovanju bomo gostili kar nekaj svetovnih strokovnjakov na področju razsvetljave.
Več o posvetovanju: http://le06.sdr.si
Pošljite vabilo svojim prijateljem in sodelavcem. Več kot nas bo na posvetovanju, bolj zanimivo in zabavno bo.
Kot družabni dogodek, se bomo letos sankali na poletnem sankališču Straža.
Posvetovanje je tudi dobra priložnost za reklamiranje vašega podjetja. Obrnite se tajnika društva in seznanil vas bo z možnostmi.
Novigrad - finaliziran je prvi projekt energetske učinkovitosti u HR
Prije par dana je u Novigradu (istarskom) HEP-ESCO izvršio primopredaju radova za Projekt energetske učinkovitosti na javnoj rasvjeti vrijedan 2.000.000 kn. Grad Novigrad je obnovio zastarjeli sustav javne rasvjete modernim rasvjetnim tijelima koja su u velikoj većini u ruralnim i prigradskim područjima ekološka (cut-off), a postoje i regulatori snage koji smanjuju intenzitet u kasnim noćnim satima. Ne treba ni reći da su "nestale" sve živine žarulje, ali i sva kuglasta rasvjetna tijela.
Investicija će biti otplaćene kroz uštede tijekom 10 godina, a kredit za takve projekte u Hrvatskoj je dala Svjetska banka.
Slike: HEP-ESCO, Novigrad - nova rasvjeta:
slika 1 slika 2 slika 3 slika 4 slika 5 slika 6
Vabilo na prireditev
S prireditvijo "Digitalni svet zasilne razsvetljave" vam podjetje Zumtobel predstavlja inovacije, ki so usmerjene k novim perspektivam pri uporabi zasilne razsvetljave. Vse to v četrtek, 14. septembra 2006.
Več na: www.zumtobel.si
Prejeli smo brošure:
- vabilo na 26th CIE Session-Peking 4-11 julij 2007
- ISLE LIGHT Newsletter April 06- Revija Indijskega združenja za razsvetljavo,
- China illuminating engineering Journal-Vol.2. No.1
- ISLE LIGHT Newsletter July 06- Revija Indijskega združenja za razsvetljavo,
- vabilo avstrijskega združenja na: LTG-Schulungsseminar Innenraumbeleuchtung
Vse brošure in revije si lahko ogledate pri tajniku SDR. Brošure, ki so v več izvodih, lahko dobite po pošti.
CIE Session 2007
Dear Colleagues,
The deadline for submission of abstracts for the CIE Session 2007 in Beijing is now only 1 month away (abstracts should reach the CIE Central Bureau by 15 September).
May we remind you that abstracts can be submitted by mail, or via the internet. For submitting abstracts electronically, the form at http://vision.vein.hu/CIESYMP07/ should be used, where the abstracts can be attached as Word files.
The Call for Papers with all details can be downloaded from the CIE website (www.cie.co.at, under "Session 2007).
CIE NC vote on: CIE Draft Standard DS 020.3/E:2006 "Emergency Lighting"
On 2006-01-24, CIE Draft Standards DS 020.2/E:2006 was sent to NCs for comments. Comments were collected and sent to Vice-President Technical, Vice-President Publications, TC Chair and Division Director, who evaluated the comments received, and changes were made accordingly.
The final CIE draft standard, as well as a summary of the CIE NC comments, can be downloaded in pdf format from the CIE website at http://www.physics.kee.hu/cie/newcie/
Please click on "Documents for download" and then under National Committees on:
"Draft Standard DS 020.3 Emergency Lighting", and on: "NC comments and responses to Draft Standards DS020.2"
user: dobite pri tajniku
password: dobite pri tajniku
Please note that at this stage, only a yes/no vote should be cast. Deadline
for your vote is 2006-11-15.
New CIE Publication: CIE 174:2006 "Action spectrum for the production of
previtamin D3 in human skin"
Presss release for above CIE publication.
Price :
for NC Members: Euro 19,--
for non-members: Euro 38,--
CIE Expert Symposium on Visual Appearance, 19-20 Oct. 2006 in Paris, France
Registration form and details on the symposium can be found on the
Symposium website at: http://www.mnhn.fr/cievisualappearance/
New CIE Publication: CIE 170-1:2006 "Fundamental Chromaticity Diagram with Physiological Axes - Part 1"
Presss release for above CIE publication.
Price :
for NC Members: Euro 28,--
for non-members: Euro 56,-
New CIE Publication: CIE 173:2006 "Tubular Daylight Guidance Systems"
Presss release for above CIE publication.
Price :
for NC Members: Euro 32,--
for non-members: Euro 64,-
Dear Colleagues,
End of October 2005 we circulated to you the Call for Papers for the CIE
Session. We are pleased to announce that electronic submission of abstracts
is now operative as well. For submitting abstracts electronically, the
electronic form at http://vision.vein.hu/CIESYMP07/ should be used, where
the abstracts can be attached as Word files.
The Call for Paper at our website (www.cie.co.at, under "Session 2007") has
been updated accordingly, at the end of the document there is a link for
the electronic submission of abstracts.
Please remember that the abstracts should reach the CIE Central Bureau by
15 September.
New CIE Publication: CIE S 019/E:2006 "Photocarcinogenesis Action Spectrum
(Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers)"
Presss release for above CIE publication.
This CIE Standard was submitted to ISO for fast-track voting as joint
ISO/CIE standard.
Price :
for NC Members: Euro 14,--
for non-members: Euro 28,-